Additional Information Related To This Image:
Storage room
Contains procedural trays and blanket warmer.
Pyxis Medication Machine
For medication dispensing.
Belmont Rapid Infuser
Used to warm and rapidly infuse blood.
TV Monitor
For viewing images from portable x-ray machine.
Scribe Computer
Used to document on patient in trauma narrator.
For specific patient information viewing
Trauma Supply Carts
Contains equipment and supplies for use during a trauma code.
Fiber optic laryngoscope.
Difficult Airway Cart
Cardiac Monitor
Can also be used for oxygen saturation, temperature, and end tidal CO2.
Floor Circles
Blood Refrigerator
Containing 2 units O Negative Blood
Stretcher/Slider Board
Equipment and Supply Omnicell
Items include, but not limited to cervical collars, thoracotomy supplies, REBOA, and central line kits.
Ultrasound Machine for FAST exam
PPE supplies and role stickers
Used by Residents and Advanced Practitioners to document and enter physician orders
Broselow Cart