#: locale=en ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_A61EA0B3_831C_E428_41B1_C7AF07F6CA89.source = https://www.frontagelab.com WebFrame_245FE213_17C4_1F0B_41A4_D9A473C556C8_mobile.url = https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d14376.151861634273!2d-73.99351941263586!3d40.75732561349075!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x89c25855c6480299%3A0x55194ec5a1ae072e!2sTimes+Square!5e0!3m2!1ses!2ses!4v1542287427714" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen> LinkBehaviour_E44DB874_FE99_421B_41D2_4AF97F42757C.source = https://www.virtually-anywhere.com ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4679936_A990_872A_41D4_3A9F78AEF8F5.toolTip = ICP-MS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B479D927_A990_872A_41D4_48F2C97F3AAD.toolTip = Accessioning Area HotspotMapOverlayArea_17D2563A_6350_04FE_41D2_EE4F241571A3.toolTip = Analytical Instrument Lab 102 A HotspotMapOverlayArea_0FD0709D_6350_1DBA_41BF_E83DE61CEF85.toolTip = Analytical Instrument Lab 102 B HotspotMapOverlayArea_161AD722_6350_048E_417D_8764B7B55BB5.toolTip = Analytical Instrument Lab 102C HotspotMapOverlayArea_0BB833F2_6350_038E_41A6_A3C2E09EF83B.toolTip = Analytical Lab 108 HotspotMapOverlayArea_0BADF117_6350_7CB6_41C6_CAEC8DCCA49F.toolTip = Analytical Lab 110 HotspotMapOverlayArea_0B1BFFE1_6350_038A_4196_6BCEB66BAA88.toolTip = Analytical Sample Prep Lab 100 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B46FC947_A990_876A_41D8_B2DA190F7079.toolTip = Automatic Cell Counter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B462E942_A990_876A_4190_3BA722A6FBAF.toolTip = Automatic Franz Cell System HotspotMapOverlayArea_3EEC570C_60D0_049A_419F_CB4D849EB11E.toolTip = Automation Lab 137 HotspotMapOverlayArea_0C81417A_6350_1F7E_41C3_2219DD188019.toolTip = Balance Room 104 HotspotMapOverlayArea_3EBBFFA8_60F0_039A_41CA_2274E48A1710.toolTip = Biomarker 123 HotspotMapOverlayArea_38A10ABA_60F0_0DFE_41B5_532FF98B19F5.toolTip = Biomarker 131 A HotspotMapOverlayArea_3A377BB5_60F0_038A_41CC_9FD9A8311A77.toolTip = Biomarker 131 B HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_89DE2B7B_CA44_F1ED_41DC_C7DD49FB0465.toolTip = Biomarker 131A HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_88A9B66F_CA44_73E5_41CE_A714CED62EFE.toolTip = Biomarker 131B HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B464C934_A990_872E_41E2_6769E2A4F143.toolTip = Bioquell QUBE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47A1931_A990_8726_41C1_2C6554ED7982.toolTip = Biosafety Cabinets HotspotMapOverlayArea_390009C3_60F0_0F8E_41CA_45E742068666.toolTip = Cell Based Assay 121 HotspotMapOverlayArea_1777DC9F_63F0_05B6_41C2_889B5F92C7E0.toolTip = Cell and Gene Therapy Lab 111 HotspotMapOverlayArea_011AA836_60F0_0CF6_41B5_1B5AD706FAA7.toolTip = Central Lab 116 A HotspotMapOverlayArea_0356A40E_60D0_0496_41C0_7F760F41AF21.toolTip = Central Lab 116 B HotspotMapOverlayArea_0305F78B_60D0_039E_41D8_81F779F892CC.toolTip = Central Lab 116 C HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B460F93F_A990_871A_41E4_81B0FCD49B63.toolTip = Computer Stations HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B466F93B_A990_871A_41DF_54177ED7E363.toolTip = Computer Stations HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B468394F_A990_877A_41B9_929E1770A7F5.toolTip = Controlled Substances Security HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4676938_A990_8726_41E3_BD0CD98F7C57.toolTip = Differential Scanning Calorimetry \ (DSC) and Thermogravimetric \ Analyzer (TGA) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47CA917_A990_84EA_41E2_28696D4C4960.toolTip = ELLA HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47A092D_A990_873E_41CB_D8D6482ED647.toolTip = Embedding Center HotspotMapOverlayArea_287D71A9_6170_3F9A_41D3_C5BAE62E58AD.toolTip = Entrance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47FB91A_A990_871A_41AD_487F13FB28BB.toolTip = Flow Cytometry HotspotMapOverlayArea_3A932CB6_60F0_05F6_41D7_6D0317C877B5.toolTip = Flow Lab 119 A HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_84884FB3_CA45_B17D_41E1_420AEA0B715A.toolTip = Flow Lab 119 A HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_84B85C48_CA44_B72B_41CA_E499803DDC1B.toolTip = Flow Lab 119 A HotspotMapOverlayArea_3AE3F323_60F0_3C8E_41D2_E6E7D0CC00E2.toolTip = Flow Lab 119 B HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B463E940_A990_8766_41D9_0D2B227E4A47.toolTip = Franz Diffusion Cells HotspotMapOverlayArea_07B687A4_60F0_038A_41D6_94AFE34A6811.toolTip = Freezer Farm 130 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B461E93D_A990_871E_41CA_5A5B27891A32.toolTip = GC/MS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_897B3686_CA5C_7327_41C2_632CDE172FE1.toolTip = Genomics 133 HotspotMapOverlayArea_3E9E179B_60D0_03BE_41D1_9E5A6B290B77.toolTip = Genomics 133 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_86B049D9_CA5C_F12D_41CF_5023F0F047E4.toolTip = Genomics, Sample Prep 135 HotspotMapOverlayArea_3E943EA5_60F0_058A_41D8_080715CA7297.toolTip = Genomics, Sample Prep 135 HotspotMapOverlayArea_08DABFC1_63F0_038A_41CE_B6199AA51B31.toolTip = Glassware Washer Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B7D62ABE_A990_851A_41D7_3F8E8F34C6A4.toolTip = Gyrolab HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4666939_A990_8726_41C8_F7EAEC0FC4B9.toolTip = HPLC and Dissolution Machines HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B6348121_A990_8726_41C7_6C355B36CE5A.toolTip = Hamilton Microlab STAR and STARlet HotspotMapOverlayArea_01310569_60D0_049A_41C9_45F4BF10AF18.toolTip = Histology and Pathology 122 A HotspotMapOverlayArea_03AF3A89_60D0_0D9A_41BF_584F5AA0A942.toolTip = Histology and Pathology 122 B HotspotMapOverlayArea_03815C2E_60D0_0496_41A7_02E47C14DD5D.toolTip = Histology and Pathology 122 C HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47B492F_A990_873A_41DA_7D1F1C39F133.toolTip = IHC/Roche Benchmark Ultra HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47F291C_A990_871E_41D5_97F84E2929AB.toolTip = ImmunoSpot S6 UNIVERSAL (ELISPOT) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4650933_A990_872A_41E4_A69D30F2E81F.toolTip = Incubators HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B46E394C_A990_877E_41C9_A0E1696AD6FD.toolTip = Incubators HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47DD90F_A990_84FA_41A8_8EC742EB9CFA.toolTip = KingFisher Flex Purification System HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_85C47000_CA43_CF1B_41C5_88E2BB01CE80.toolTip = LM, PK and Immunogenicity 139 A HotspotMapOverlayArea_3DC5051C_60B0_04BA_41C5_A09C44C22B2D.toolTip = LM, PK and Immunogenicity 139 A HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_87396EFD_CA44_D0E5_4191_EC4B31CC2A24.toolTip = LM, PK and Immunogenicity 139 B HotspotMapOverlayArea_3D32DDD0_60B0_078A_41C1_E90D4D13991C.toolTip = LM, PK and Immunogenicity 139 B HotspotMapOverlayArea_087EB7B8_63F0_03FA_418B_9DA059D73126.toolTip = Large Molecule Testing 105 HotspotMapOverlayArea_16B6B44F_63F0_0496_41D0_0DD8E1D3A117.toolTip = Large Molecule Testing 105A HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B46CE945_A990_876E_4173_AA364A54F1A4.toolTip = Large Molecule Testing Rooms HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B478592A_A990_873A_41DD_9BB316B973FA.toolTip = Large Steel Grossing Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B63DC12A_A990_873A_41D9_A438FB5868D8.toolTip = Lynx LM900 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47D2915_A990_84EE_41CF_4A68542FA132.toolTip = MSD HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B46C5949_A990_8766_416E_BA0A801FBB4E.toolTip = Maurice OBM HotspotMapOverlayArea_0C2A01E4_60D0_7F8A_41D9_140C035783A9.toolTip = Microbiology Lab 101 HotspotMapOverlayArea_0C28A67C_60D0_057A_41D2_5EC2B5FF2CCE.toolTip = Microbiology Lab 103 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4797928_A990_8726_41B6_AB73147DF7B2.toolTip = Multirack Storage HotspotMapOverlayArea_3A3191F7_60F0_FF76_41CF_D6E874F4182F.toolTip = Nab/Cell Culture 117 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47D890D_A990_84FE_41D8_1D971450E073.toolTip = Next Generation Sequencing HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47E1920_A990_8726_41DE_FE68D3B123AF.toolTip = Overview HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47F2922_A990_872A_41E2_4CA778FC782D.toolTip = Phadia 250 and DiaSorin Liaison XL HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B46DE944_A990_876E_41C3_96F26873491B.toolTip = Photo Stability Chamber HotspotMapOverlayArea_0C332166_6350_7C96_41CF_48269832B65A.toolTip = Prep Lab 106 HotspotMapOverlayArea_3B70FE79_60F0_057A_41C5_4BD4B1896422.toolTip = Prep Lab 117 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B472390B_A990_84FA_41B5_BFB5856D92F5.toolTip = QuantStudio 7 Flex (qPCR), Bio-Rad QX200 (ddPCR) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B46F394A_A990_877A_41C9_81054BA569C3.toolTip = QuantStudio5, SpectraMax HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5A35AFF0_40B6_08BB_41AC_B349F7F72869.toolTip = Reception HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47E4925_A990_872E_41AE_4CC431EFE29C.toolTip = Roche Cobas 8000 HotspotMapOverlayArea_357E3B7F_6170_0376_41C9_59FCDA168529.toolTip = Rotunda HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_596F9A9F_40B6_0B65_41A7_5BD17CB092A3.toolTip = Rotunda HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47D5911_A990_84E6_41BC_CB0EBD24D708.toolTip = SMCxPRO® HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47EC923_A990_872A_41C8_687825185157.toolTip = Sample Receiving and Processing HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47C3919_A990_84E6_41E4_08949330CC58.toolTip = Simoa HD-X and SP-X HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47DA913_A990_84EA_41C4_59B523363886.toolTip = Simoa HD-X and SP-X HotspotMapOverlayArea_1436D39F_63F0_03B6_41B5_D9D0EFE05783.toolTip = Storage 115 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B47B192C_A990_873E_41D6_59F7BAF1CF2F.toolTip = Tissuetek Tissue Processors HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4723905_A990_84EE_41E2_19D088CA4AEB.toolTip = Webinar: Bioanalytical Strategies for \ PK Analysis of ADC Therapeutics \ using LC-HRMS & LC-MS/MS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B472D909_A990_84E6_41D1_F4C6C821D948.toolTip = Webinar: Bioanalytical Strategies for \ PK Analysis of ADC Therapeutics \ using LC-HRMS & LC-MS/MS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B469494E_A990_877A_41B4_251E4858837B.toolTip = ÄKTA Quant ## Media ### Floorplan ### Image imlevel_15A7BA5D_0845_CF13_4167_6E40BEB5B177.url = media/map_2A96A87E_6170_0D76_41C5_DB04F91B9115_en_0.png imlevel_15A78A5D_0845_CF13_4181_AEB216DE5B9C.url = media/map_2A96A87E_6170_0D76_41C5_DB04F91B9115_en_1.png imlevel_15A79A5E_0845_CF11_419C_7A6711E958FC.url = media/map_2A96A87E_6170_0D76_41C5_DB04F91B9115_en_2.png imlevel_15A67A5E_0845_CF11_415F_B02F3F85A3A4.url = media/map_2A96A87E_6170_0D76_41C5_DB04F91B9115_en_3.png ### Subtitle panorama_4A6331AF_6FDC_875D_41C3_C3E07E81BA31.subtitle = At Frontage we offer a wide range of testing capabilities for histology and pathology services. Our scientists have expertise in sample processing with a wide range of stains including immunochemistry and multiplexing IHC. \ \ Histology and Pathology Services panorama_4A630DCA_6FDC_9EC7_41D6_D0625E9B6ABF.subtitle = At Frontage we offer a wide range of testing capabilities for histology and pathology services. Our scientists have expertise in sample processing with a wide range of stains including immunochemistry and multiplexing IHC. \ \ Histology and Pathology Services panorama_4A63C7B3_6FDC_8B45_41C7_BD64BA85E30D.subtitle = At Frontage we offer a wide range of testing capabilities for histology and pathology services. Our scientists have expertise in sample processing with a wide range of stains including immunochemistry and multiplexing IHC. \ \ Histology and Pathology Services panorama_4A63CB86_6FDC_BB4F_41D1_07F47DA014A0.subtitle = At Frontage, we offer our clients the next generation central lab services to provide integrated lab services with bioanalytical and biomarker groups. Our dedicated Biorepository Laboratory Information System ensures that samples are received, sorted, and logged in based on the barcode, sent to the lab for immediate testing, and tracked throughout the entire process. We pride ourselves in our consistent methodologies across our global central lab services locations to ensure laboratory data consistency. Our state-of-the-art and Laboratory Information System offer accurate and precise laboratory results, as well as high testing volume capabilities. \ \ Central Lab Services panorama_4A63CF06_6FDC_9B4F_41D5_155518776B98.subtitle = At Frontage, we offer our clients the next generation central lab services to provide integrated lab services with bioanalytical and biomarker groups. Our dedicated Biorepository Laboratory Information System ensures that samples are received, sorted, and logged in based on the barcode, sent to the lab for immediate testing, and tracked throughout the entire process. We pride ourselves in our consistent methodologies across our global central lab services locations to ensure laboratory data consistency. Our state-of-the-art and Laboratory Information System offer accurate and precise laboratory results, as well as high testing volume capabilities. \ \ Central Lab Services panorama_4A631560_6FDC_8FC3_41C3_2FA045C1427B.subtitle = At Frontage, we offer our clients the next generation central lab services to provide integrated lab services with bioanalytical and biomarker groups. Our dedicated Biorepository Laboratory Information System ensures that samples are received, sorted, and logged in based on the barcode, sent to the lab for immediate testing, and tracked throughout the entire process. We pride ourselves in our consistent methodologies across our global central lab services locations to ensure laboratory data consistency. Our state-of-the-art and Laboratory Information System offer accurate and precise laboratory results, as well as high testing volume capabilities. \ \ Central Lab Services panorama_4A631656_6FDC_8DCF_41CC_4B8BB3F5EC42.subtitle = Balance enclosures in our balance rooms are equipped to handle potent compounds. The yellow light particularly help our staff handle delicate, light sensitive materials. panorama_4A635030_6FDC_8543_41D4_526FF05C8089.subtitle = Frontage analysts prepare samples in this dedicated space and once the sample is ready, they take it to the instrumentation room for further analysis. Each analyst has an assigned bench space which provides dedicated work spaces for each project and helps avoid cross-contamination. Every analyst's work is checked for quality by their supervisors, ensuring no errors take place in processing, labeling, and documentation. panorama_4A63C3E1_6FDC_8AC5_41C2_ACC86FF5D197.subtitle = Frontage has the complete core services, latest technologies, and robust processes to support your microbiological testing needs for pharmaceutical product development and CMC operations. \ \ Microbiological Services panorama_4A630A09_6FDC_8545_41C3_BFDD2689E7EC.subtitle = Frontage has the complete core services, latest technologies, and robust processes to support your microbiological testing needs for pharmaceutical product development and CMC operations. \ \ Microbiological Services panorama_4A6322E8_6FDC_8AC3_41DD_643232C14F46.subtitle = Frontage offers comprehensive IVRT and IVPT testing services, from preclinical formulation assessments to early phase human studies, for topical products. panorama_4A629042_6FC3_85C7_41DB_987C42BFD9D9.subtitle = Frontage offers flow cytometry platforms for cell surface detection, intracellular biomarker profiling, receptor occupancy (RO) assessment, and more. Flow cytometry is a powerful technology for single-cell multiple-parameter analysis to support bioanalysis from discovery, through to preclinical and into clinical testing of biopharmaceutical. This technology is widely used for monitoring safety parameters and pharmacodynamic response. Some of the instruments in this lab are: BD FACS Celesta, Beckman Navios EX, Beckman CytoFlex S. panorama_4A62C669_6FC3_8DC5_41D5_15499E14B356.subtitle = Frontage offers flow cytometry platforms for cell surface detection, intracellular biomarker profiling, receptor occupancy (RO) assessment, and more. Flow cytometry is a powerful technology for single-cell multiple-parameter analysis to support bioanalysis from discovery, through to preclinical and into clinical testing of biopharmaceutical. This technology is widely used for monitoring safety parameters and pharmacodynamic response. Some of the instruments in this lab are: BD FACS Celesta, Beckman Navios EX, Beckman CytoFlex S. panorama_4A62C15D_6FC3_87FD_41DE_82054C82275C.subtitle = Frontage's Genomics team provides unprecedented data quantity, quality, resolution, and speed to enable and facilitate research and treatment of diseases. Our genomics team has extensive experience with a wide array of genomics services for pharmaceutical and clinical research in gene and cell therapy. panorama_4A62FB48_6FC3_9BC3_41CF_06635E85AA21.subtitle = Frontage's Genomics team provides unprecedented data quantity, quality, resolution, and speed to enable and facilitate research and treatment of diseases. Our genomics team has extensive experience with a wide array of genomics services for pharmaceutical and clinical research in gene and cell therapy. panorama_4A62DA1B_6FC3_8545_4191_F8D975A6D78C.subtitle = Frontage's Biomarker Lab is eqiuped with state of art technologies and instruments to meet different needs of biomarker analysis including assay sensitivity, throughput and automation \ \ Frontage's Biomarker Capabilities panorama_4A629794_6FC3_8B43_41AF_9A5F7F09306E.subtitle = Frontage's Biomarker Lab is equipped with state of art technologies and instruments to meet different needs of biomarker analysis including assay sensitivity, throughput and automation \ \ Frontage's Biomarker Capabilities panorama_4A6283F4_6FC3_8AC3_41D2_F3F683A3B135.subtitle = Frontage's Biomarker Lab is equipped with state of art technologies and instruments to meet different needs of biomarker analysis including assay sensitivity, throughput and automation \ \ Frontage's Biomarker Capabilities panorama_4A7D4AE1_6FDD_9AC5_41A0_07D785926685.subtitle = Frontage's Controlled Substances Facilities have large safes to store controlled substances following all DEA requirements. Our tight security includes very restricted ID badge access to the controlled substances room, multiple cameras running 24/7, dual combination and keyed locking safes, and a motion activated alarm system. Frontage has DEA manufacturing license for controlled substances (CI-V). panorama_4A62350F_6FC3_8F5D_41B9_6778AFF895B2.subtitle = Frontage's automation lab has core instruments such as the Hamilton Microlab STAR/STARlet, and Lynx LM900 liquid handling platforms for accurate, precise, and high-throughput, bioanalysis. We also house state of the art instruments like Gyrolab xP/xPand, and Olink. High volume liquid pipetting is carried out by 4 Integra ViaFlo96, and 2 Integra Assist Plus in various labs at Frontage. \ \ Bioanalytical Services at Frontage panorama_4A62FDCC_6FC3_BEC3_41D3_4032BA2B1C6F.subtitle = Frontage's cell-based assay team can support a full range of cell-based assays, including virus reporter assay, virus plaque assay, cell proliferation assay, gene reporter assay, cytotoxicity assays, and more. We have the capability to develop and validate custom cell-based assays in line with all relevant regulatory guidelines and recommendations. Our well-equipped BLS2 GLP lab has equipment as follows: Vi-CELL XR Cell Viability Analyzer, Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter, Kingfisher FLEX, Molecular Device Aquamax plate washer, GloMax Navigator, CO2 incubator, microscope, liquid nitrogen storage system, tabletop autoclave and biosafety cabinets. panorama_4A7CCF7A_6FDC_BBC7_41A5_1A99E16E1070.subtitle = Frontage's glassware room has qualified glassware washers that are re-qualified on an annual basis, ensuring zero contamination and completely clean glassware for testing drugs. panorama_4A7CCBEB_6FDC_9AC5_41DE_40BF7FF2F054.subtitle = Frontage’s formulation development and CTM manufacturing team designs formulations for targeted delivery of a therapeutic and then develops GMP manufacturing processes to ensure a high quality product is produced for clinical trials. We develop finished products supporting IND, NDA filings and generic ANDA filings. \ \ Product Development and CTM Manufacturing Services panorama_4A6315B3_6FDC_8F45_41B8_F085311A787C.subtitle = Frontage’s formulation development and CTM manufacturing team designs formulations for targeted delivery of a therapeutic and then develops GMP manufacturing processes to ensure a high quality product is produced for clinical trials. We develop finished products supporting IND, NDA filings and generic ANDA filings. \ \ Product Development and CTM Manufacturing Services panorama_4A7CF224_6FDC_8543_41BD_61CC85F2E934.subtitle = Frontage’s formulation development and CTM manufacturing team designs formulations for targeted delivery of a therapeutic and then develops GMP manufacturing processes to ensure a high quality product is produced for clinical trials. We develop finished products supporting IND, NDA filings and generic ANDA filings. \ \ Product Development and CTM Manufacturing Services panorama_4A624221_6FC3_8545_41D9_2DE6C4AC3C4A.subtitle = In 2021 we opened our new 71,000 square foot laboratory facility in Exton, PA. This new location supports our Bioanalytical, CMC and Central Lab businesses. Our Bioanalytical suites focus on large molecules, biomarkers, and genomics. Our CMC laboratories features a large analytical automation lab for small and larger molecule, microbiology, and cell-based assays. Our large central laboratory includes a dedicated histology and pathology suite. \ \ Frontage Company Overview panorama_4A84FB82_6FC3_9B47_41CB_5CE9F55B8BA6.subtitle = In 2021 we opened our new 71,000 square foot laboratory facility in Exton, PA. This new location supports our Bioanalytical, CMC and Central Lab businesses. Our Bioanalytical suites focus on large molecules, biomarkers, and genomics. Our CMC laboratories features a large analytical automation lab for small and larger molecule, microbiology, and cell-based assays. Our large central laboratory includes a dedicated histology and pathology suite. \ \ Frontage Company Overview panorama_4A631953_6FDC_87C5_41D3_4355F7824C14.subtitle = Sample Preparation Room panorama_4A7CA85C_6FDC_85C3_41D5_DD5A7102D38C.subtitle = The CMC Biologics Team at Frontage Laboratories is composed of extremely skilled scientists who focus on quality, collaboration, and service. Our team of expert scientists work with clients to develop and optimize analytical testing methods for cell and gene therapy methods, products, and other elements of this growing field. Frontage Laboratories can provide help with all your method development, verification, and validation needs for cell and gene therapy testing. panorama_4A7D74BB_6FDD_8D45_41B2_205407463FCC.subtitle = The CMC Biologics Team at Frontage Laboratories is composed of extremely skilled scientists who focus on quality, collaboration, and service. Our team of expert scientists work with clients to develop and optimize analytical testing methods for cell and gene therapy methods, products, and other elements of this growing field. Frontage Laboratories can provide help with all your method development, verification, and validation needs for cell and gene therapy testing. panorama_4A7CBE83_6FDC_7D45_41D9_502B1DE0182E.subtitle = The CMC Biologics Team at Frontage Laboratories is composed of extremely skilled scientists who focus on quality, collaboration, and service. Our team of expert scientists work with clients to develop and optimize analytical testing methods for cell and gene therapy methods, products, and other elements of this growing field. Frontage Laboratories can provide help with all your method development, verification, and validation needs for cell and gene therapy testing. panorama_4A636C8E_6FDC_7D5F_41C6_E1C6FF5B04DE.subtitle = The cell culture laboratory has capacity for routine cell culture (feeding and sub culturing) and maintenance (cryo preservation for both adherent and suspension cell cultures) and can performe variety of cell based assays. It has Laminar flow biosafety hoods, CO2 incubators for primary and immortalized cell cultures, Liquid nitrogen tanks for sample storage, Vi-cell cell viability analyzer, platewasher and SpectraMax for cell based assays. panorama_4A63B2B7_6FDC_854D_41DF_258FA0E61CE3.subtitle = The cell culture laboratory has capacity for routine cell culture (feeding and sub culturing) and maintenance (cryo preservation for both adherent and suspension cell cultures) and can performe variety of cell based assays. It has Laminar flow biosafety hoods, CO2 incubators for primary and immortalized cell cultures, Liquid nitrogen tanks for sample storage, Vi-cell cell viability analyzer, platewasher and SpectraMax for cell based assays. panorama_4A624EB4_6FC3_FD43_41DB_CDC50FD583E7.subtitle = This Biologics Lab is one of our PK/ADA Labs dedicated to supporting PK/ADA method development, transfer, validation and sample analysis of pre-clinical and clinical studies at all phases. panorama_4A62786A_6FC3_85C7_41B3_27E453F45634.subtitle = This Biologics Lab is one of our PK/ADA Labs dedicated to supporting PK/ADA method development, transfer, validation and sample analysis of pre-clinical and clinical studies at all phases. panorama_4A637CB2_6FDC_9D47_41C9_2B2D2B2AF119.subtitle = This sample preparation room is dedicated to vaccine sample preparation and testing. Leachable extractable samples are also processed in this room. panorama_4A63E8DF_6FDC_86FD_41D7_B8218D25B83B.subtitle = With over 50 regularly calibrated and verified freezers, Frontage's freezer farm has expanded capacity for sample storage. Our cloud-based facility monitoring system, LabWatch, detects and sends alerts on the equipment status allowing personnel to always keep precious samples secure. Our nitrogen tanks are regularly replaced to ensure anytime readiness for incoming projects. To safeguard our client samples, this space is restricted-access only and all the freezers can only be accessed through keys assigned to personnel based on studies. ### Title map_2A96A87E_6170_0D76_41C5_DB04F91B9115.label = 760-floor-plan panorama_4A6315B3_6FDC_8F45_41B8_F085311A787C.label = Analytical Instrument Lab 102 A panorama_4A7CCBEB_6FDC_9AC5_41DE_40BF7FF2F054.label = Analytical Instrument Lab 102 B panorama_4A7CF224_6FDC_8543_41BD_61CC85F2E934.label = Analytical Instrument Lab 102C panorama_4A6322E8_6FDC_8AC3_41DD_643232C14F46.label = Analytical Lab 108 panorama_4A631953_6FDC_87C5_41D3_4355F7824C14.label = Analytical Lab 110 panorama_4A635030_6FDC_8543_41D4_526FF05C8089.label = Analytical Sample Prep Lab 100 panorama_4A62350F_6FC3_8F5D_41B9_6778AFF895B2.label = Automation Lab 137 panorama_4A631656_6FDC_8DCF_41CC_4B8BB3F5EC42.label = Balance Room 104 panorama_4A629794_6FC3_8B43_41AF_9A5F7F09306E.label = Biomarker 123 panorama_4A6283F4_6FC3_8AC3_41D2_F3F683A3B135.label = Biomarker 131 A panorama_4A62DA1B_6FC3_8545_4191_F8D975A6D78C.label = Biomarker 131 B panorama_4A62FDCC_6FC3_BEC3_41D3_4032BA2B1C6F.label = Cell Based Assay 121 panorama_4A7D74BB_6FDD_8D45_41B2_205407463FCC.label = Cell and Gene Therapy Lab 111 panorama_4A63CF06_6FDC_9B4F_41D5_155518776B98.label = Central Lab 116 A panorama_4A631560_6FDC_8FC3_41C3_2FA045C1427B.label = Central Lab 116 B panorama_4A63CB86_6FDC_BB4F_41D1_07F47DA014A0.label = Central Lab 116 C panorama_4A629042_6FC3_85C7_41DB_987C42BFD9D9.label = Flow Lab 119 A panorama_4A62C669_6FC3_8DC5_41D5_15499E14B356.label = Flow Lab 119 B panorama_4A63E8DF_6FDC_86FD_41D7_B8218D25B83B.label = Freezer Farm 130 panorama_4A62FB48_6FC3_9BC3_41CF_06635E85AA21.label = Genomics 133 panorama_4A62C15D_6FC3_87FD_41DE_82054C82275C.label = Genomics, Sample Prep 135 panorama_4A7CCF7A_6FDC_BBC7_41A5_1A99E16E1070.label = Glassware Washer Room 112 panorama_4A6331AF_6FDC_875D_41C3_C3E07E81BA31.label = Histology and Pathology 122 A panorama_4A63C7B3_6FDC_8B45_41C7_BD64BA85E30D.label = Histology and Pathology 122 B panorama_4A630DCA_6FDC_9EC7_41D6_D0625E9B6ABF.label = Histology and Pathology 122 C panorama_4A62786A_6FC3_85C7_41B3_27E453F45634.label = LM, PK and Immunogenicity 139 A panorama_4A624EB4_6FC3_FD43_41DB_CDC50FD583E7.label = LM, PK and Immunogenicity 139 B panorama_4A7CA85C_6FDC_85C3_41D5_DD5A7102D38C.label = Large Molecule Testing 105 panorama_4A7CBE83_6FDC_7D45_41D9_502B1DE0182E.label = Large Molecule Testing 105A panorama_4A630A09_6FDC_8545_41C3_BFDD2689E7EC.label = Microbiology Lab 101 panorama_4A63C3E1_6FDC_8AC5_41C2_ACC86FF5D197.label = Microbiology Lab 103 panorama_4A63B2B7_6FDC_854D_41DF_258FA0E61CE3.label = Nab/Cell Culture 117 panorama_4A637CB2_6FDC_9D47_41C9_2B2D2B2AF119.label = Prep Lab 106 panorama_4A636C8E_6FDC_7D5F_41C6_E1C6FF5B04DE.label = Prep Lab 117 panorama_4A84FB82_6FC3_9B47_41CB_5CE9F55B8BA6.label = Reception panorama_4A624221_6FC3_8545_41D9_2DE6C4AC3C4A.label = Rotunda panorama_4A7D4AE1_6FDD_9AC5_41A0_07D785926685.label = Storage 115 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_4D349998_6150_0FBA_41D5_1BEED048ECC0.html =
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