The Birthing Experience
Our nursing team will be with you every step of the way. You may want to walk in the hallway or in your room. You can use a birthing ball, a CUB chair, labor in a chair, use nitrous, or opt for pain medication or an epidural. Our birthing beds can be positioned in many unique ways to help you and your baby in the birthing process. Your nurse will help you manage labor one contraction at a time. After the birth of your baby, you and your baby will be cared for in this room for the first couple of hours. You are encouraged to hold your baby skin to skin and to breastfeed during this time. These will be special moments for just you and your birth partner to bond and get to know your baby. If your baby is premature or needs specialized care, the baby will be cared for by our experts in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, known as the NICU.