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## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Academy of Music and Sciences - Peoria
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About Us:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.
Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat.
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At Atalanta, our vision is to be a part of every food experience. For over 75 years, we've been a leading food importer, specializing in cheese, meats, seafood, fruits and vegetables from around the world. Our vast portfolio features over 6,000 different food items sourced from more than 60 countries. We pride ourselves on building relationships with our customers and suppliers to create long-lasting partnerships through consistent service, complimentary marketing resources and field support. As part of the broader Gellert Global Group, comprised of eight individual companies, Atalanta exhibits strength in sourcing, insurance, finance, logistics, food safety and information technology. With the GGG network of distribution centers, our team can quickly service the needs of our retailers, distributors, foodservice chains, hotels, cruise lines, airlines and food manufacturers.
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Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.
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## Media
### Subtitle
panorama_9035D995_830F_5DB3_41D7_6585EB9F7725.subtitle = Program Overview: AMS Science, Computer Science, and Engineering \
AMS has adopted nationally recognized academic programs for math, science, computer science, and engineering, to help ready our students for jobs of the future, many that have yet to be created. Our science programs tap into children’s natural fascination with and curiosity about the world, providing them with a scientific foundation to critically reason about their observations. The engineering program is closely allied with the science program, and helps students apply scientific knowledge in order to design solutions to relevant personal and societal problems. The computer science program provides years of instruction ranging from blocks-based programming of simple robots to web design and Python.
panorama_90360142_830E_AA91_41CC_4DD1267335FB.subtitle = Our multipurpose gym features a full-size basketball court and bleacher seating which serves our students for sports, music events and more. This is one of the places where our community gathers to celebrate our student’s accomplishments during basketball or volleyball games and piano, guitar, and choir performances. Our black box theatre allows our students to practice performance arts and hold music recitals. We offer a variety of extracurricular clubs and after-school activities like drama, choir, volleyball, and basketball, to name just a few.
panorama_90360A76_830E_FF71_41CB_55D7F0A79337.subtitle = AMS Peoria understands the importance of maintaining not only a healthy mind, but a healthy body as well. All grade levels participate in Physical Education (PE) on a weekly basis. Students at all levels play a variety of games which require them to use both their large and small motor functions. They develop knowledge of how to build their cardio endurance and muscle strength. Students learn the traditional rules of sports and are encouraged to participate in extracurricular sport activities. The ultimate goal of our PE program is to foster teamwork in a safe and fun environment while students develop physical fitness and an appreciation for a variety of sports.
panorama_903613D7_830E_EDBF_41D7_EADB032C5415.subtitle = At AMS Peoria, we believe that teaching science through science inquiry is the cornerstone of good teaching. Inquiry-based science challenges our scholars using real-world phenomena to engage them in critical thinking skills where they learn to prioritize evidence, evaluate explanations by comparing them to alternative explanations, and learn to communicate and justify their understandings. We use a variety of curricular materials, hands-on labs, and other activities to provide an environment where students feel empowered and encouraged to communicate their ideas and understandings of the scientific content being learned. Our scholars are also exposed to the world of science through extracurricular programs such as FLL/FTC robotics, Girls Who Code, Science Olympiad and after-school science and engineering clubs. These programs provide our scholars with opportunities to undertake scientific investigations either by themselves or in collaboration with their peers. Our teachers guide our scholars’ learning by asking questions that challenge students’ thinking and acknowledge their efforts. This hands-on approach results in our scholars becoming excited about science and the scientific process.
panorama_903619BB_830E_DDF7_419C_57C4CE7C99BB.subtitle = At AMS, we go above and beyond to provide peace of mind. Our campuses provide a safe, caring, structured environment designed to facilitate student success. All AMS school safety plans are approved by local police and fire departments, have secure single point of entry, and camera monitoring in campus areas. Our welcoming staff is here to help enroll new families and support our current families with any needs. Stop by for an in-person tour anytime, we look forward to seeing you.
panorama_90365914_830E_BAB1_41D7_0ADF9ED5BC1A.subtitle = AMS Peoria offers a full-day tuition-free kindergarten program option for students who turn 5 by Sept 1. We designed the classroom and furniture specifically to accommodate our youngest scholars, including bathrooms inside the classroom for convenience, safety and accessibility. The daily curriculum for this program will cover all core subjects including, reading, writing, math, and science, as well as, enrichment and arts courses like music, Russian/Mandarin, or technology.
panorama_90366C4C_830E_DA91_41D3_EEC7CAC53B12.subtitle = AMS Peoria has a full-sized natural grass soccer field. Students come here for sports team practices, but it is also an open space where they can enjoy their recess, participate in classroom experiments, and continue developing their team building skills. We offer a variety of after-school sports and activities like track-and-field, cheer, and football. Additionally, all AMS students (K-8) can participate in activities outside of the regular school day that enhance their school experience and deepen their social and intellectual growth. Extracurricular program offerings are tailored to student and parent interests. Examples of other clubs AMS Peoria offers are: Chess, Coding, Music, Science Olympiad, and many more.
panorama_9037C1F1_830E_ED73_41CF_9AC2D072017F.subtitle = The AMS music program provides students with a broad knowledge and appreciation of music. Students are given the opportunity to attend music classes up to twice per week, varying by grade level, and are provided the opportunity to participate in extracurricular musical activities. Students in grades three and up learn how to play either the guitar or piano. Semester recitals allow students to demonstrate their skills to the community at large. In addition to learning how to play music, students are taught the history of music from our own cultures and cultures around the globe. Students learn audiation, the ability to think in musical terms. This skill prepares them for the rewarding appreciation of what music conveys.
panorama_9037F18B_830E_AD97_41C2_1D631718B366.subtitle = AMS provides students with opportunities to develop and expand their language skills by means of a comprehensive foreign language instruction program. All grade levels are given the opportunity to take Russian or Mandarin. Learning a second language is highly beneficial to a student’s progress because it enhances both language skills and logic abilities. Exploration of the food, music, videos, and literature of Russian and Mandarin speaking populations supplement the AMS Mandarin and Russian curricula.
panorama_97770088_830F_6B91_41CB_DB3F41F3B903.subtitle = Our arts program is an integral part of our curriculum. It is structured in levels that are centered around the elements and principals of art and design. Art projects, at all grade levels, introduce or reinforce art concepts and vocabulary while offering the students skill practice in various media and art techniques such as drawing, painting, collaging and various other visual creative expression. Hands-on skill practice encourages the mastery and retention of concepts. The art program reinforces other curriculum areas by providing a real-world connection between math, language arts, science, social studies, and the arts. For example, younger students explore patterns and symmetry through a pattern bugs project. Older students create visual models and sculptures to represent different concepts in science or social studies.
### Title
panorama_9035D995_830F_5DB3_41D7_6585EB9F7725.label = Technology Classroom
panorama_90360142_830E_AA91_41CC_4DD1267335FB.label = Gym/Multipurpose
panorama_90360A76_830E_FF71_41CB_55D7F0A79337.label = Playground
panorama_903613D7_830E_EDBF_41D7_EADB032C5415.label = Science Lab
panorama_903619BB_830E_DDF7_419C_57C4CE7C99BB.label = Lobby
panorama_90365914_830E_BAB1_41D7_0ADF9ED5BC1A.label = Kindergarten Classroom
panorama_90366C4C_830E_DA91_41D3_EEC7CAC53B12.label = Sports/Extracurriculars
panorama_9037C1F1_830E_ED73_41CF_9AC2D072017F.label = Music Classroom
panorama_9037F18B_830E_AD97_41C2_1D631718B366.label = Language Classroom
panorama_97770088_830F_6B91_41CB_DB3F41F3B903.label = Art Classroom
## Action
### URL
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